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What are Chakras and how can clearing my chakras benefit me?

Updated: Apr 28, 2019

The concept of chakras was discovered thousands of years ago and was discovered across cultures, including Chinese, Ayurvedic, and yogic. We have seven main energy centers running down the midline of our bodies. These energy centers are also known as chakras, which translates to “wheels” in Sanskrit. Through non-ordinary vision, I can see a client’s chakras and where there are blockages or misalignments. Each chakra is associated with a different set of emotions (or parts of our consciousness) as well as with different physical parts of our bodies. For example, our heart chakra is not only connected to our spiritual heart where we experience love, joy, inner peace, and forgiveness but also to our physical heart, arms, and hands and physical ailments we experience in these areas.

When a client’s energy chakras are properly aligned and cleared, they appear to me as spinning plates, each with their own color. When a client has blocked energy in one or more of the chakras, I can see this as well. I employ Reiki to move this energy blockage and restore the free flow of Qi. No one chakra is more important than another. Ideally, at the end of each session all seven chakras are healed for a client, are balanced, and humming, allowing energy to flow freely in and out of their body.

Chakras spin clockwise when they move the energy of the body into the auric field around us but they spin counter-clockwise when they are pulling energy into our body.

Root Chakra

Location: The root chakra is located at the base of spine in tailbone area, or your perineum.

Representation: The Root Chakra is the 1st Chakra in your Chakra System and is known as the seat for raw energy, known as Kundalini. It represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded, secure and safe. When we experience chakra blockages, much of the time, this occurs in one, some, or all all of our three lower chakras, beginning with the root chakra.

Emotional issues: The root chakra represents all issues related to home, career, finances, needs, and possessions. This chakra relates to our confidence as well as to our survival instincts. Imbalances may result in feelings of insecurity, sexual dysfunction, anger, eating disorders, aggressiveness, and restlessness. If your life is rooted in fear, then healing this chakra could benefit. Reinforce your support system and your resources.

Physical Issues: This chakra governs the lower functions, including the kidneys, lower spine, back, and bladder.

Meditation to Clear: When meditating, to help clear and balance your own root chakra, imagine that tree roots are growing from the soles of your feet, deep, deep into the earth, branching off and going deeper, and deeper. Focus on drawing up a warm, bright, red light through those roots, that goes right into your feet, and all of the way up your legs, right to your root chakra. Bathe your roots chakra in this warm, red light. Envision a red lotus flower spinning around your root as you send this red light throughout this area. Breathe into your root. Inhale red light through your nose and send it down to your root, exhaling the emotions that were stuck in that chakra that no longer serve you. Once you can envision the lotus flower glowing brightly red and spinning fast, you can move on to the next chakra to clear, the sacral chakra. You will clear this chakra (and all of your chakras) quickly if you can invoke a feeling of gratitude or love while bathing this chakra in that light.

Sacral Chakra

Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.

Representation: The Sacral Chakra is the 2nd Chakra in your Chakra System and holds many of our base emotions. A balanced sacral chakra results in abundant creativity and allows you to be nonjudgmental about your desires, experience intimacy fully, and live authentically, without fear.

Emotional issues: This chakra represents all issues related to our physical desires, appetites, and also addictions. The sacral chakra reflects our sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, and our sexuality. If this chakra is overactive, you can have emotional overreactions, codependency issues, and excessive neediness in relationships. An under active sacral chakra can result in self-sabotage, lack of authenticity, lack of creativity, depression, rage, jealousy, and pessimism.

Physical Issues: Deficiencies in this chakra can lead to bladder or urinary infections, irregular menstrual cycles. Overactivity in this chakra can lead to abdominal cramps, and muscle tension. Other signs of imbalances in the sacral chakra are infertility, prostate and testicular diseases, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis.

Meditation to Clear: After you have cleared your root chakra, it is time to move on to the sacral chakra. Again, draw from deep in the earth, an orange light u through your root system, and then moving this bright, warm orange light up through the soles of your feet, through your root chakra, moving up your spine to your sacral chakra, bathing it in orange light. Envision an orange lotus flower spinning behind your naval and around your lower abdomen as you send this orange light throughout this area. Breathe into this chakra. Inhale orange light through your nose and send it down to your lower abdomen, and then exhale, through your mouth, the emotions that were stuck in that chakra that no longer serve you. Inhale orange light, exhale stuck emotions, spinning the orange lotus flower which is glowing bright orange. Once you can envision the lotus flower glowing brightly orange and spinning quickly, move on to the next chakra to clear, the solar plexus chakra. As with the root chakra, you will clear this chakra (and all of your chakras) quickly if you can invoke a feeling of gratitude, forgiveness, or love while bathing this chakra in the orange light.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.

Representation: The Solar Plexus Chakra is the 3rd Chakra in your Chakra System and affects our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.

Emotional issues: This chakra is where we hold our self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem. Our personal power & control reside in our solar plexus energy center. An overactive chakra may result in controlling, excessively competitive, or intolerant behaviors. A deficient chakra may surface as anxiety, fear, insecurity, poor self-esteem, inability to focus or organize.

Physical Issues: Imbalances in this chakra can surface as digestion issues, stomach ulcers, diabetes, liver or pancreatic issues, fibromyalgia, shallow breathing, upper abdominal knots of worry, overeating, fatigue, excessive laziness.

Meditation to Clear: After you have cleared your sacral chakra, it is time to move on to the solar plexus chakra. Again, draw from deep in the earth, the yellow light up through your root system, moving this bright, warm sunshine up through the soles of your feet, through your root chakra, past your sacral chakra, moving up your spine to your solar plexus chakra, bathing it in yellow sunlight. Envision a yellow lotus flower spinning in your upper abdomen, above your naval but below your heart. Send that yellow sunlight throughout this area. Breathe into this chakra. Inhale sunshine through your nose and send it down to your upper abdomen, and then exhale, through your mouth, the emotions that were stuck in that chakra that no longer serve you, releasing fear, worry, low self-esteem, anxiety. Once you can envision the lotus flower glowing brightly yellow and spinning fast, move on to the next chakra to clear, the heart chakra. As with all of your chakras, you can clear this chakra quickly if you can invoke a feeling of gratitude or love while bathing this chakra in the yellow sunlight.

Heart Chakra

Location: Center of chest just above heart.

Representation: The Heart Chakra is the 4th Chakra in your Chakra System and affects our intuition and ability to love and be loved. This is such an important chakra, as it connects our upper and lower chakras, bridging the spiritual with the physical.

Emotional issues: This chakra is related to your ability to give love and receive love, experience joy, inner peace. This chakra holds your ability to forgive as well as your ability to attach to people. If we have been betrayed, we will often hold that emotion here. Grief also attaches here.

Physical Issues: This chakra connects with all aspects of your heart health, including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, as well as lung and respiratory issues, pulmonary disease, joint issues in the hands, breast cancer and upper back issues as well as thymus gland disruptions.

Meditation to Clear: After you have cleared your solar plexus chakra, it is time to move on to the heart chakra. Again, draw from deep in the earth, a green light through your root system, moving this bright, warm green light up through the soles of your feet, through your root chakra, through your sacral and solar plexus chakras, moving up your spine to your heart, bathing it in bright green light. Envision a green lotus flower spinning in your heart. Send that green light throughout this area. Breathe into this chakra. Inhale green light through your nose and send it down to your heart, and then exhaling the emotions that were stuck in that chakra that no longer serve you, releasing anger, loneliness, self-centeredness, resentment, and grief. Once you can envision the lotus flower glowing brightly green and spinning fast, move on to the next chakra to clear, the throat chakra. As with all of your chakras, you can clear this chakra quickly if you can invoke a feeling of gratitude or love or forgiveness while bathing this chakra in the green light.

Throat Chakra

Location: Throat.

Representation: The Throat Chakra is the 5th Chakra in your Chakra System and affects your ability to speak your  truth, communicate, & express yourself fully.

Emotional issues: This chakra relates to your ability to communicate, express your feelings, and represents the truth.

Physical Issues: The throat chakra is responsible for the regulation and flow of hormones and the function of all matters of the head and throat, including the carotid arteries, ears, nose, mouth, esophagus, and trachea. Imbalances can also lead to stiffness or soreness in neck or shoulders and dental issues.

Meditation to Clear: After you have cleared your heart chakra, it is time to move on to the throat chakra. Draw from deep in the earth, a bright clear blue light through your root system, moving this blue light up through the soles of your feet, through your root chakra, through your sacral and solar plexus chakras, through your heart chakra, moving all of the way up your spine to your throat, bathing it in bright blue light. Envision a blue lotus flower spinning in your throat. Send that bright blue light throughout this area. Breathe into this chakra. Inhale blue light through your nose and send it your throat, and then exhaling the emotions that were stuck in that chakra that no longer serve you. Once you can envision the lotus flower glowing brightly blue and spinning fast, move on to the next chakra to clear, the third eye chakra. As with all of your chakras, you can clear this chakra quickly if you can invoke a feeling of gratitude or love or forgiveness while bathing this chakra in the blue light.

Third Eye

Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra) or the Pineal gland, which is a walnut sized gland in the center of your brain.

Representation: The Third Eye Chakra is the 6th Chakra in your Chakra System and affects your ability to focus on and see the big picture. By clearing this chakra, you will increase your intuition.

Emotional issues: This chakra is linked to your intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions, clairvoyance.

Physical Issues: Issues connected to an imbalance in this chakra are insomnia, high-blood pressure, sciatica, depression, anxiety, migraines, and vision problems. If this chakra is under active, it lends to being indecisive, a fear of the unknown, and to procrastination.

Meditation to Clear: After you have cleared your throat chakra, it is time to move on to the third eye chakra. Draw from deep within the earth, a bright dark blue light through your root system, moving this dark blue light up through the soles of your feet, through your root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart chakras, moving all of the way up your spine, past your throat chakra, directly into the center of your head, bathing your pineal gland in dark blue light. Envision a dark blue lotus flower spinning in your center of your brain. Send that dark blue light throughout this area, imagining it surrounding your pineal gland. Breathe into this chakra. Inhale dark blue light through your nose and send it up to your third eye, and then exhaling the emotions that were stuck in that chakra that no longer serve you. Once you can envision the lotus flower glowing dark blue and spinning fast, move on to the last chakra to clear, the crown chakra. As with all of your chakras, you can clear this chakra quickly if you can invoke a feeling of gratitude or love or forgiveness while bathing this chakra in the dark blue light.

Crown Chakra

Location: The very top of the head.

Representation: The Crown Chakra is the 7th Chakra in your Chakra System and represents your ability to trust, your spirituality & divine guidance.

Emotional issues: This chakra relates to both our inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss, to nirvana. Imbalances can lead to depression, mental fog, greed, when under-active, and when over active, to materialism, boredom, frustration, and a sense of entitlement.

Physical Issues: An excess of energy in this chakra can lead to endocrine and neurological disorders, nerve pain, and to light and sound sensitivity. A deficiency of energy in this chakra can lead to systemic problems, sometimes subtle, like chronic fatigue and migraines.

Meditation to Clear: After you have cleared and balanced your third eye chakra, it is time to move on to the crown chakra. Draw from deep within the earth, a bright purple light through your root system, moving this purple light up through the soles of your feet, through your root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart chakras, moving all of the way up your spine, past your throat and third eye chakras all of the way up to the top of your head, bathing your crown in bright purple light. Envision a purple lotus flower spinning at the top of your head. Send that purple light throughout this area, imagining it surrounding the top of your head. Breathe into this chakra. Inhale purple light through your nose and send it up to your crown, and then exhaling the emotions that were stuck in that chakra that no longer serve you. Once you can envision the lotus flower glowing purple and spinning fast, draw a golden light from within the earth, drawing it through each of your chakras, and see it coming out of your crown chakra, and coming back around you, each side of you, encasing your aura in a bright golden light, sending the energy back into the earth and into your roots, and back through your chakras again, becoming a beautiful cycle. Imagine this light repairing all of the injuries to your aura. After you become adept at repairing your luminescent energy field, then continue to send this light out further and further, sending your healing energy field around your home, your loved ones, and beyond.

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